Our Church has thrived over the years as a result of the unselfish dedication of the people who have volunteered countless hours of service in many different capacities. There is an ebb and flow to volunteering. As time goes by, circumstances change. We are always in need of new volunteers to help fill the shoes of those who are no longer able to help our faith community. There are many areas of the church which rely on volunteers like you to make our parish the wonderful community that it is. Most volunteer positions require a minimal commitment of as little as 1 hour per month. Please look at some of the areas around the church that can use a boost. If you find something you would be interested in assisting with you may contact the rectory at 537-9434. You are under no obligation and any time you can afford your parish makes your parish a better place.
There are volunteer opportunities for everyone's schedule.
There are volunteer opportunities for everyone's schedule.
Community LifeBereavement - (Chairperson: Help Needed)
When a funeral is held at St. Joseph's we offer the family a bereavement luncheon in the parish hall, which is supplied by people on the bereavement committee. Cooks are needed to donate food dishes as asked by committee chair. People are also needed to help set up and serve the day of the luncheon as well as clean up afterwards. Outreach - (Chairperson: Help Needed) A Community Life Committee that reach out and help the poor and needy in our area. Some activities included in Outreach are; assisting Bread of Life Food Pantry in Colden with a Thanksgiving food drive, Our annual Giving tree at Christmas times along with activities like that to help benefit our local needy. Help is needed in organizing and implementing outreach events along with possible distribution of goods. Parish Socials - (Chairperson: Help Needed) A chairperson is needed for our Parish Social Committee. The Social Committee is normally in charge of activities such as Coffee/Donuts after masses, Communion breakfast, Ladies of the Parish Breakfast, Men of the Parish Breakfast, Parish Picnic along with occasional receptions after special masses (IE Communion, Confirmation, Baccalaureate). The Chairperson works with Father Benjamin, Deacon Mark & possibly Parish Council to decide which events the parish will support. Parish Socials require many hands to make little work. individual event chairs to work with Social Chairperson, help in planning, setting up, serving and clean-up…etc…Social Chairperson does not have to participate in all areas, but is the overall leader. If a particular area interests you, let us know in which way you would like to help. We are interested in ideas and support/help wherever possible. Respect Life - (Chairperson: ) Supports the gift of life from conception to death with different activities throughout the year. Activities could include Cemetery of Innocents, Tree of Life , Gianna Molla infant clothing drive, etc. Bloodmobile - (Chairperson - Debbie Damon) Help is needed during our blood Drives to help serve Juice and refreshments to blood donors. Bloodmobiles are held every other month. Dates are listed on calendar on our website. Please contact Debbie Damon if you would like to help. Catholic Charities - (Chairperson - Help Needed) During the diocesan Catholic Charities drive, help is needed to organize and man tables in the Parish Hall before and after each mass. If you would like to help, please contact the rectory. Prayer Shawl Ministry - (Chairperson - Kathleen Gray) Our Prayer Shawl ministry meets weekly in the parish hall. Weekly attendance is not necessary to participate in the prayer shawl ministry. Women of the Parish gather to knit or crochet shawls which are then blessed and given to those in need of prayer. If you would like to knit or crochet a shawl or know someone who could benefit from a shawl, contact Kathleen Gray to learn more. Experience is not necessary. They will teach you if you have a desire to learn. |
SpiritualAltar & Rosary Society - (Chairperson: Debbie Damon)
Altar & Rosary meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 1pm in the Parish Hall beginning with the rosary. Responsibilities include the buying of and caring for the church linens and vestments along with caring for the sanctuary and altar including flowers. Membership is open to all women of the parish whether you can attend meetings or not. Altar Servers - (Chairperson:) Any boy or girl who has made their first communion is eligible to become an altar server. Altar servers assist at the various masses which can include weekly masses, Holy Days (Christmas, New years) weddings and funerals. Typically each altar server serves once a month when we are fully staffed. We have an urgent need for altar servers. Eucharistic Ministers - (Chairperson: Pastor) Any male or female that has made all of their sacraments up to and including confirmation is eligible to become a Eucharistic minister. A 1-day training session is required and they are held monthly at Christ the King Seminary in East Aurora. Eucharistic ministers assist in the distribution of Holy Communion during masses and possibly to a home-bound parishioner from time to time. Eucharistic ministers are currently scheduled once every 3 weeks. Some are listed only as substitutes. We are always in need of Eucharistic ministers. Lectors - (Chairperson: Pastor ) Lectors are the people who read the 1st and 2nd readings at weekly mass along with the responsorial psalm and intercessions. Readers are given the readings well in advance of having to read at mass. When we are fully staffed, Lectors are scheduled to read once a month. We are always in need of Lectors. Liturgy - (Chairperson: Valerie Horvath) Liturgy committee helps the pastor with choosing and setting up decorations within the church and altar area to coincide with the liturgical year. Music & Singing (8:30am sun) Marianne Barnas Provides instrumental and/or vocal accompaniments to weekend masses, weddings and funerals. All interested singers and players are welcome and encouraged to join. You may join them in the choir loft at any mass and try it out. Prayer Chain - A part of our faith community that is devoted to praying for requested intentions. Mostly done through email and updated monthly or as needed. If you know someone who needs prayer or you would like to join in praying for our prayer needy please contact the parish office @ 537-9434 or email [email protected] Ushers - (Chairperson: Dan Damon) Ushers are the first to welcome and greet the parishioners as they arrive for weekly mass along with gathering the collections and handing out the bulletin to parishioners at the end of mass. We are always in need of Ushers. Sacristans – (Chairperson:Angie Howes) The Sacristan arrives 20-30 minutes prior to the start of mass to make sure all necessary items are on the altar for mass and also to clean up those items at the end of mass. |
Christian Formation
Director of Religious Education:
Religious Education
Help is needed each year teaching our children in each grade. Guidelines are provided by the diocese on what content needs to be taught to each grade. If you think you would be interested in spending time teaching our young parishioners about their faith and possibly expanding your knowledge in the process, please call the rectory 537-9434. There is no obligation to inquire. Substitutes are also always needed.
Sacramental Preparation
Help is needed in preparing our children to make their sacraments. Preparation could include small classes to share additional content regarding sacraments. Assisting in the actual ceremony to help facilitate a smooth celebration. Decorating for the ceremony…rehearsal. One person does not necessarily have to participate in all areas of a celebration. If your specialty is decorating, that could be your focus. Don’t be afraid to inquire.
1st Reconciliation: Help Needed
First Communion: Deb Zehnder
Baptism Preparation -
Someone who walk new families through the sacrament of Baptism. Guidelines are given by our priest. Typically it involves meeting with a new family for about an hour in your home and reviewing the importance of raising a baptized child in the faith community of the church. Typically this happens a handful of times throughout the year.
Marriage Preparation - Dan & Debbie Damon
Married couples in our parish are needed to meet with engaged couples for a short series of meetings in their home. Each session involves some reflection and sharing on different aspects of married life. These meeting would take place after couple has an initial interview with our priest. If you think you would be interested in helping couples prepare for marriage, contact Dan & Deb Damon.
RCIA - Becky Bartels
RCIA is a process that initiates adults into the Catholic Church. This may include adults who have not received any or could be missing some of the sacraments within the Catholic Church. If you are interested in learning more about our RCIA program to assist Adults or for yourself please call the rectory 537-9434
Religious Education
Help is needed each year teaching our children in each grade. Guidelines are provided by the diocese on what content needs to be taught to each grade. If you think you would be interested in spending time teaching our young parishioners about their faith and possibly expanding your knowledge in the process, please call the rectory 537-9434. There is no obligation to inquire. Substitutes are also always needed.
Sacramental Preparation
Help is needed in preparing our children to make their sacraments. Preparation could include small classes to share additional content regarding sacraments. Assisting in the actual ceremony to help facilitate a smooth celebration. Decorating for the ceremony…rehearsal. One person does not necessarily have to participate in all areas of a celebration. If your specialty is decorating, that could be your focus. Don’t be afraid to inquire.
1st Reconciliation: Help Needed
First Communion: Deb Zehnder
Baptism Preparation -
Someone who walk new families through the sacrament of Baptism. Guidelines are given by our priest. Typically it involves meeting with a new family for about an hour in your home and reviewing the importance of raising a baptized child in the faith community of the church. Typically this happens a handful of times throughout the year.
Marriage Preparation - Dan & Debbie Damon
Married couples in our parish are needed to meet with engaged couples for a short series of meetings in their home. Each session involves some reflection and sharing on different aspects of married life. These meeting would take place after couple has an initial interview with our priest. If you think you would be interested in helping couples prepare for marriage, contact Dan & Deb Damon.
RCIA - Becky Bartels
RCIA is a process that initiates adults into the Catholic Church. This may include adults who have not received any or could be missing some of the sacraments within the Catholic Church. If you are interested in learning more about our RCIA program to assist Adults or for yourself please call the rectory 537-9434
Service Opportunities
Throughout the year there are several opportunities to help around the parish. All of these are open to upcoming Confirmation students along with any interested parishioners. For Confirmation Students they can receive credit toward their service hours necessary for Confirmation. If you are interested in any of the opportunities below contact the rectory.
- Leaf Raking at our Cemeteries before they close in the Fall. Watch Bulletin/Check website in the Fall for dates.
- Tulip Festival Float – help is needed every year. Watch Bulletin/Check website in the Spring for dates.
- Outside Manager Set-up and Take Down.
- Church Cleaning – typically done twice a year. Watch Bulletin/Website for dates.
- Church Decorating – We decorate the Church for Christmas and Easter. Watch Bulletin/website for dates.
- Taking Down Church Decorations after Christmas and Easter. Watch Bulletin/Website for dates.
- Baking for Altar & Rosary Society Bazaars. We normally have a Christmas and Spring Bazaar.
- Preparing Craft Items for Altar & Rosary Society Bazaars.
- Father/Son & Men of Parish Breakfast – Help is needed to set-up, cook, serve, & clean-up on the day of the breakfast. Sign-up sheets are normally available a few weeks before the event. Watch Bulletin/Website. Breakfast is typically in March.
- Mother/Daughter & Women of Parish Breakfast – Help is needed to set-up, cook, serve, & clean-up on the day of the breakfast. Sign-up sheets are normally available a few weeks before the event. Watch Bulletin/Website. Breakfast is typically in October-November.
- Bulletin Boards- If you have artistic talent and would be interested in helping to decorate our bulletin boards, they get updated several times throughout the year, contact the rectory.
- Bulk Mailings – helping to stuff envelopes when we have bulk mailings